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A boost for the alumni association of the Faculty of Science at KU Leuven
The challenge
The corona pandemic made many organisations realise how important video is. The alumni association of the Faculty of Science at the University of Leuven also decided to make a video.
The challenge of this alumni association: you find people with the most diverse interests: there are geologists, biologists, chemists, physicists, computer scientists, etc. How to unite these people around one theme?
The solution

Image: from a photo posted by Faculty of Science - KU Leuven on June 14, 2022 during the proclamation
We have made some exercises. What does the organization stand for? What is her mission? Where are the trumps?
Ultimately, we used this diversity within the association as an asset. We filmed a multitude of alumni at a multitude of locations. This way, for every viewer, there is something that touches a chord.
The theme of diversity itself is also made attractive
You get the urge to get in touch with these different people, their enthusiasm is contagious.
It is also stated: an organised trip becomes so much more interesting because a landscape is viewed through the eyes of geographers, geologists, biologists and chemists. This way, you learn much more.
It is also subtly illustrated during a story about diversity in chemistry tables by Mendeleev.
The video is available online, but it was also shown after the proclamations, during the promotion celebrations.